Insight Into Your Life
Mentoring, Coaching
Mother Daughter Relationship Coaching
Three Principles
Parent as Coach
Mentoring, Coaching
Mother Daughter Relationship Coaching
Three Principles
Parent as Coach
Signed in as:
The key to Joy is unconditional kindliness to all of life, including one's own, which is referred to as compassion. (David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.)
I am really thankful for having you in my life, you changed my view on life and taught me how to see life from a different angle and different perspective. You healed me from something I didn’t know existed and I didn’t know I had it 😊still looking for a right word the describe it…..I guess the healing word is love that shines from you and it is very infectious….. thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. You changed my life!
Dear Hana, I owe you a huge amount of gratitude for all your support in the past couple of months. Your insights to innate wisdom led me to turning point in the way I think about my time and values. Thank you for inspiring, coaching, and guiding me to to see things in a new light (a brighter light!) You are amazing!
Hana came into my life by a happy accident. I was out of a job, and my daughter told me I should talk to this wise woman who once worked for Goldman Sachs. In our weeks together, Hana and I spoke on many things, from higher consciousness to my job search, and each time I left the session feeling lighter, unburdened. Hana opened me to seeing a bigger picture of my life. She armed me with new emotional tools that help me with everyday struggles. She is very smart, an empathetic listener, and always practical in her advice. What makes her so effective, finally, is the love and caring that she brings to each session. That's how she creates an environment for transformation
Dear Hana, thank you for being a light in my life and an example of using your gifts to bless others. I so appreciate the time you spent with me to have AH-HA moments and I am so happy some of my friends get the opportunity to connect with you. Love, Jamie
Working with Hana was a transformational experience. I was feeling stuck and wanted to remotivate myself to best realize my potential. Hana provided a way of listening and communicating that allowed me to think deeply about places where I was keeping myself stuck on a systemic level. She provided experiential tools that brought hidden ideas into light and got me unstuck in both thoughts and actions.
After a little over a month of working with Hana, opportunities started coming into my life "out of the blue." It was only due to Hana's ability to open my eyes to the potential that was previously lying under the surface. Not only did she remotivate me, but she also encouraged me to take a broader perspective to what was blocking me from moving forward. My experience with her has been expansive.
Hana is so much more than a life coach. Transformational artist seems more appropriate. Her intuitive approach draws out core beliefs and limiting thinking. That's when the magic happens! She grew me as a parent, business owner and human being. If you are ready and trust her process... miracles WILL happen.
I came to Hana very spontaneously and not knowing much about life coaching. Not knowing how much coaching could help me with daily challenges or life struggles that I face everyday. I felt stuck… Hana helped give me a vision and lightened up my views on issues that looked dark and confusing. Hana has awesome leading qualities. Very honest. She is warm and always supportive but is challenging when its necessary. Her words and point of views are right on point and always what I need to hear. She is a wonderful person which assists in her being a remarkable coach. I feel very lucky and honored that she was able to work with me and I appreciate her time very much. Thank you Hana for changing my perspectives and shining light on my day-to-day life.
Koučink pro mě nebyl nic nového, věděl jsem teorii, chápal jsem, co by to mohlo přinášet, ale do doby, než jsem měl možnost pracovat s Haničkou, která je mým průvodcem a koučem, jsem si toho nebyl VĚDOM - pouze jsem si to myslel. Díky pravidelným hodinám jsem si uvědomil, jak mě to posouvá kupředu, díky tomu i mé okolí, a mám od té doby ve věcech mnohem více jasno. A pokud nemám, těším se vždy na další hodinu s Haničkou, díky které si na to sám dokáži odpovědět. V tom je kouzlo koučinku! Je to pro mě možnost zastavit se, najít si čas na sebe, vybrat si téma, kterému bych rád porozuměl a díky Haničce jako průvodci, si na tato témata sám odpovědět. Haničku bych rád doporučil jako člověka a průvodce životem, který si prošel řadou zkušeností v busineesu, v rodičovství, v objevení své cesty a poznání svých darů, kterými je právě pomoci lidem s jejich cestou a uvědoměním.
I contacted Hana when I was trying to sort out my intermediate term goals for both my business and my personal side. Both sides were doing well and I wanted to identify a few specific goals to augment these positive developments. On the business side Hana helped me to identify the eight sections of the business that mattered to me and then she asked me to score each of them as to effectiveness and potential. Her questions revealed to me where I should be spending both my time and our resources to get to the next level. I now keep this visual behind my desk and pull it our now and then to evaluate our progress. Also - I have shared this visual with my partners to help us focus on our business strategies. On the personal side, Hana helped me identify one particular area that frustrated me but, on examination, was easy to improve. This involved taking better care of myself - specifically, getting more exercise. I just passed my six month anniversary of my new routine and I have not underperformed in any week so far. InSight Coaching is all about helping people to discover, for themselves, the variables they want to work on. Hana does not give advice, she lets you give it to yourself.
I want to thank Hana for spending time with me. I learned that being results oriented is less important than having fun, no matter what the score. We had a great time. She is a fantastic communicator.
I would do it again in a heart beat.